Kyber69 – Top Three Sci-Fi/Horror Films!
With Halloween coming next week Joe and Michael discuss their respective top three Sci-Fi/Horror films, and there’s at least one surprise. What are your picks? Comment below!
Also: is Keaton confirmed for the Flash movie? Did you meet the Padawans from Star Wars: The High Republic? Are you ready for The Mandalorian?
Of course, there’s also #OurGeekThisWeek and the third section discussion of Dune, where the story really starts to take off. Are you reading along? If so, what are your thoughts? Again, comment below!
Welcome back to The Kybercast!
#TheThing #Alien #TheFly #TheInvisibleMan #Away #Utopia #OurGeekThisWeek #Dune #KybercastBookClub #Netflix #Away #StarWars #TheMandalorian #TheHighRepublic #MichaelKeaton #AmazonFireHD10 #GrandRapids