Kyber20 JOKER

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  1. #JOKER #dccomics #darkseidDC
    Gritty. Dark. Tragic. Human. Train Wreck. A era-culture piece about perpetual societal violence unraveling like tightly wound barbed-wire. The deconstruction of a man and his psyche into madness. Like watching the fuse of a stick of dynamite slowly burn.

    Had elements of Heath Ledger, Jarred Leto, but ALL Joaquin. Reminded me a little of Frank Miller’s take on Bullseye. And an eerie Kubrick feel with the sound.

    Joaquin Phoenix — outstanding performance.

  2. #JOKER #dccomics #darkseidDC
    Gritty. Dark. Tragic. Human. Train Wreck. A era-culture piece about perpetual societal violence unraveling like tightly wound barbed-wire. The deconstruction of a man and his psyche into madness. Like watching the fuse of a stick of dynamite slowly burn.

    Had elements of Heath Ledger, Jarred Leto, but ALL Joaquin. Reminded me a little of Frank Miller’s take on Bullseye. And an eerie Kubrick feel with the sound.

    Joaquin Phoenix — outstanding performance.

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The Kybercast

The Kybercast

The Kybercast podcast is a podcast that is rooted in Geek culture — covering topics from film to comics and everything in between. Grounded in Star Wars but runs the table with Sci-Fi, Marvel and DC. hosted by Joe Becker and Michael Diaz.


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