Kyber86 – The Great And Powerful Og!

This is it, the end of our second book in the Kybercast book club, READY PLAYER TWO, and of course, Michael and Joe have thoughts. Thanks for reading along with us! What did you think? Please leave a comment below!
And of course, the pair talk about THAT cameo at the end of last week’s WANDAVISION and what it may mean for the future of the MCU.
Also: Tom Holland addresses a big Spider-Man 3 rumor, plus the new FALCON & THE WINTER SOLDIER trailer premiered.
Welcome back to the Kybercast!
#MCU #WandaVision #KybercastBookClub #ReadyPlayerTwo #StarWarsTheHighRepublic #Vision #GrandRapids #KongsSkullIsland #FalconAndTheWinterSoldier #TomHolland #Spiderman