– COWBOY BEPOP trailer for Netflix
– ETERNALS certified rotten on RottenTomatoes.com
– Becker: caught up on FOUNDATION (AppleTV+), PRIEST
– Diaz: WONDER WOMAN Omnibus by Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang, BOURDAIN: THE DEFINITIVE ORAL BIOGRAPHY
MAIN TOPIC: this week the team focuses on two trailers/previews released this week, namely MORBIUS and THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT. Is Joe excited about this expansion of the Sony Spiderverse? Is Michael hyped up for Boba Fett? Listen and find out!
What did you think? Do either of these geek properties spark joy for you?
Comment down below!
Welcome back to the Kybercast!
#CowboyBepop #Eternals #MCU #Foundation #WonderWoman #Morbius #StarWars #TheBookofBobaFett