Kyber121 – GR Comicon, Disney+ Day, and Spider-Man Trailer Reveals!

– ROGUE SQUADRON delayed; creative differences?
– Kathleen Kennedy renewed till 2024; Joe explains why this is a good thing
– HALO series teaser for Paramount+
– HARRY POTTER cast reuniting on HBOMAX for 20th anniversary of first film
– PREY, Predator film coming to Hulu in 2022
– Final GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE trailer reveals…
– Becker: “Moon”
– Diaz: GR ComiconMAIN TOPIC: This week the podcast starts off with Michael’s review of GR Comicon, noting differences from 2019. From there the team discusses all of the announcements made during Disney+ Day before they stop to watch the new SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME trailer and react to that immediately after watching it.
Did you go to the con? Were you happy with Disney+ Day reveals? What about that Spider-Man trailer?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Welcome back to the Kybercast!
#StarWars #RogueSquadron #HaloSeries #HarryPotter20 #Prey #Predator #GhostbustersAfterlife #Moon #GrandRapidsComicon #GRComicon #SpiderManNoWayHome