Kyber216 – Acolyte3-4 and House of the Dragon S2E1

– SPACEBALLS 2 coming from Josh Gad and Mel Brooks
– THE PENGUIN trailer 2
– Is BLADE ever happening? Losing directors and cast members
– Snyder’s REBEL MOON director’s cuts coming out in Aug.?
– Daisy Ridley SW film filming next year?
– Becker: BRATS, John Williams on Smartless, Bob Iger Master Class
– Diaz: Finished both HEAVEN’S RIVER (Bobiverse #4) by Dennis E. Taylor, and A PRAYER FOR THE CROWN-SHY (Monk & Robot #2) by Becky Chambers
MAIN TOPIC: Welcome back and Happy Birthday to Joe! That’s right, Michael and Joe recorded this episode on Joe’s birthday, taking the time to give their take on episodes 3 & 4 of THE ACOLYTE as well as the second season premiere of HOUSE OF THE DRAGON. One was great, the other not so great.
What did you think? Let us know!
Welcome to the Kybercast!
#TheAcolyte #HouseoftheDragon #Spaceballs2 #ThePenguin #Blade #RebelMoon #DaisyRidley #Brats #HeavensRiver #APrayerfortheCrownShy #HappyBirthdayJoe